Get involved!
Volunteer at RGMS
Parental involvement is a key factor in student success. There are many ways to support your scholars, teachers, and the RGMS community. To chaperone a field trip or volunteer in the classroom, you'll need to register with PGCPS. See the 3 steps for your first year below (fingerprinting is only required once).*
Everyone can find some way to share their time, talents, and resources with our school. What will you do?
ONGOING Volunteer Opportunities
Fingerprinting is not required for many of the FOLLowing
Advocacy Committee Members: Advocacy is an important part of the PTSA's job in making the educational environment better for our children. The RGMS PTSA Advocacy Committee could use a few more hands. We need help to follow county school budgets/policies, educational advocacy groups, and state education legislation, and to organize parents to act when needed. If you are interested in participating in the committee please email Advocacy Committee Chair, Alex Hirtle, at​
Community Events: The PTSA periodically organizes lunches, playdates and events to build community and fundraise. We also coordinate volunteers to help the school staff and administration in different capacities and when they need it. We will send calls and signups for particular events, as we often need planners, organizers, drivers, artists, and other enthusiasts, but we also like to have a team “on call.” If you are interested, please email the Volunteer Committee Chair, Claudia Hernandez, at​
RMGS Events
Fall Fest
Movie Nights
Book Fairs (Fall & Spring)
Stock the Lounge (Fall & Spring)
Career Day
Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week (Spring)
Multicultural Night
Green Team's Beautification Week (Spring)
Black Excellence Celebration
Various Community Playdates
And others as developed by RGMS administration, teachers, students, and/or PTSA
*Register as a Volunteer
Please email your volunteer approval confirmations and training certificates to your scholar's teacher and

Online application
All volunteers are required to complete the online volunteer application ANNUALLY. If you previously completed a fingerprint background check/CPS clearance and were approved to serve as a volunteer, indicate that you are a “Returning Volunteer.” Once approved, your eligibility will expire on the last day of the academic year.
To ensure the safety of our students, PGCPS requires a ONE-TIME fingerprint background check and Child Protective Services (CPS) clearance. The $61 fee is waived for parents/guardians of students who are approved for free/reduced meals.To schedule an appointment to complete the background screening process, please visit Fingerprinting and Background Office
Online safety training videos
Once you complete the online volunteer application, you will receive an email confirming receipt of your application, which will assign you a unique Volunteer Identification Number (VIN). Login to the SafeSchools platform using your VIN to view the online training modules ANNUALLY. Video trainings are required each shool year.