Information for Families
Families are a critical part of the Robert Goddard Montessori community. Our school model is different from many others you may have encountered. This page is designed to answer some of the questions you may have. If something isn't answered here, we encourage you to reach out to the RGMS PTSA at rgmsptsa@gmail.com or the school at 301-918-3515.
How are students admitted into RGMS?
Admittance is managed through the PGCPS Specialty Schools Lottery. Registration for the lottery typically opens in November and closes in February. To participate in the lottery, you must obtain a student ID number from your boundary area school.
What ages are accepted at RGMS?
The school has students in grades PreK3 - 8th grade. Most students enter RGMS via the lottery at age 3. Students must turn 3 before September 1 of the year they begin. A limited number of 4-year-olds are generally accepted each year via the lottery depending on the number of open seats in the classrooms. All older applicants entering Kindergarten through 8th grade must be currently enrolled in a full-day Montessori School and also apply via the lottery.
What is the schedule for Pre-K3 students?
Pre-K3 students attend school for half-days from 9:30 - 11:45 AM, Monday - Friday. Transportation is not provided by PGCPS for 3-year-old students. Students are provided with a morning snack, however, lunch is not provided. Three-year-old students are not eligible for before or after care at the school.
Is there before and after care available for the school?
Yes, for full-day students (ages 4+). Visit https://www.pgcps.org/beforeandafterschoolelp/ for details and to register. Registration typically opens in June for the subsequent school year.
Is transportation available?
Yes, for full-day students (ages 4+). Bus assignments are sent in late Summer. More details on transportation is available at https://www.pgcps.org/transportation/.
How do families handle transportation and the half-day pickup time for 3-year-old students?
Without a doubt, this is one of the biggest questions and challenges many families face. Fortunately, there are options available. There is an RGMS Facebook Group and Googlegroup for RGMS Primary families where parents can connect and identify potential carpools and shared aftercare arrangements. Other families have found stay-at-home or retired neighbors willing to provide transportation and care for a reasonable amount. Several daycares in the area also provide transportation and afternoon care. Parents are encouraged to check with the school office for a list of some of these providers.
Is there a school uniform?
No, uniforms are not required.
Are "specials" included in the Montessori curriculum?
Yes, all full-day students participate in Art, Music, Physical Education, Media (library), Guidance, and Spanish on a weekly rotation. Older students have the opportunity to participate in choral music, band, orchestra, and a variety of other clubs and after-school activities.
Are students in Montessori eligible for TAG (Talented and Gifted) programming?
Yes, all Montessori students take part in county-wide administered TAG testing. TAG-identified students participate in weekly pull-out TAG classes within the school building. More information on the PGCPS TAG program is available at https://www.pgcps.org/tag/.
What is the bell schedule?
School hours are 9:30-11:45 AM for half-day students (PreK3), and 9:30 AM - 4:10 PM for full-day students (PreK4 - 8th grade). The pick-up time for car riders is 3:45 PM.
What makes Montessori different?
One of the biggest differences is our multi-age classrooms. Students are grouped in Primary (PreK3-Kindergarten), Lower Elementary (1st-3rd grades), Upper Elementary (4th-5th grades), and Middle School (6th-8th grades) classrooms. We encourage you to check out the Our School section of our website for details on the Montessori method and its benefits.
Can I visit the school?
Yes, the school has virtual open houses each month. Check the school calendar or call the school at 301-918-3515 to learn more.
Can I talk to a family in my neighborhood attending the Montessori program?
Reach out to the PTSA at rgmsptsa@gmail.com and we can try to match you to RGMS families in your neighborhood. Everyone is always welcome to attend our general membership PTSA meetings. The schedule is available on our homepage.
How can I learn more?
Check out this profile written by a current RGMS parent on her family's experience and interview with Washington Parent magazine.
What are other communication resources for RGMS families?
The RGMS PTSA Facebook page is a great way to stay updated on events and resources. There is also a general RGMS Facebook Group and Google group for RGMS Primary families where parents can connect and converse. The school maintains a website at: https://www.pgcps.org/robertgoddardmontessori/.​ Or sign up for our PTSA listserv - available on the homepage.