Our School
Robert Goddard Montessori School is guided by Dr. Maria Montessori's vision that all students are intrinsically motivated to learn. Classrooms are designed to offer students independent and self-directed experiences appropriate to their developmental needs at each plane. The Cosmic Curriculum provides the context in which all students' interests and skills may be fostered. The RGMS Montessori program addresses all areas of development: intellectual, emotional, social, and physical. The Montessori philosophy, which embodies "freedom with responsibility," increases children's desire to learn and work in learning communities.
This consistent approach is followed from three years through fourteen years. Discipline develops through liberty. "We call an individual disciplined when he is master of himself, and can therefore regulate his own conduct when it shall be necessary to follow for life." (Maria Montessori, p. 867-87) "Dr. Montessori's main discovery was the reality of the child's true nature; the normalized child being in complete harmony with his entire environment." (Hainstock)
Another key aspect of our mission is Education for Peace. Regular class meetings facilitated by students ensure student ownership and make sure that all concerns are voiced and addressed. Community service helps all students to develop a self-concept as citizens of the world. Our mission is to all the full expression of each child's creativity in a Montessori learning environment appropriate to his/her plane of development while meeting all expected PGCPS and Maryland State educational outcomes.